بِسمِ اللہِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحِيم
Enhance Your Home With Traditional Islamic Decor: Ideas And Tips

Enhance Your Home With Traditional Islamic Decor: Ideas And Tips

Your home decor should reflect your personality, beliefs and your unique Muslim identity. Islam is a way of life, you must question whether there are any rules to consider while decorating a Muslim home. So the answer is Yes, there are some rules for Muslim home decor. These rules will help you to create a place where you feel calm, happy and protected by the reminder of Allah swt.

Tips and Ideas for Muslim Home Decor

1. Add Traditional Elements

Incorporating traditional elements into your Islamic decor can add a sense of cultural authenticity to your space. Hang decorative lanterns, which are known as “‘fanoos’. You can also place them on tables and shelves to create a warm and inviting glow. Display colourful Islamic wall art (calligraphy) or tapestries that depict religious verses of the Quran and symbols.

2. No Statues and Human Figures

The basic rule of Islamic decor that you should consider when decorating a Muslim home is not to place any idols or figurative objects. This means you can not put any art with human or animal shapes, and no free statues or animal figures in furniture or accessories. Instead of these items, you can decorate your home with abstract Islamic art, landscape scenes, and Islamic calligraphy art.

3. Avoid Idols And Dogs

According to Islamic rules, we understand that it is best not to keep a dog in the house. Statues and Idols are also not allowed in Islamic decor.

4. Have a Designated Area for Prayer

There are five daily prayers which are an important part of Islamic culture. So having a calm and peaceful area for prayers is a must-have in Muslim homes. When you are decorating a Muslim prayer area, make sure that it is in a quiet corner, away from traffic zones and any distractions, and it is facing the qibla in such a direction or way that if anyone is passing by, they can pass behind the person who is praying.

You can place a basket to store your prayer rugs, scarves or prayer garments for a more organised prayer area. You can also add decorative shelves on the wall to place the Quran.

5. Use Islamic Wall Art

As you can’t put up images of living things and statues that doesn’t mean Muslim home decor has to be boring. Whether it’s your living room, office or bedroom, there are so many other options for Islamic decor.

Hang Islamic wall art of Arabic calligraphy, Islamic architecture, and Quran ayah.

6. Surround Your Home With Reminders

Surround your home with such Islamic decor items that constantly remind you of the blessings of Allah SWT and his greatness. For instance, display a stack of dua cards on your dining table, and place accessories with dhikr phrases, like Alhamdulilah and Allahu Akbar so that you can keep your tongue moist whenever you see it. Add an Islamic wall art geometric pattern that evokes a sense of Tawheed in your home.

7. Put Up a Salam Sign On The Entrance

Salaam is a unique way to greet someone in Muslims. Adding a sign of “Salam” is a great way to reflect your beliefs in your Muslim home decor. It is a great reminder to say Salam when you or someone enters your home.

8. Add A Shoe Rack

As shoes bring impurities and dirt into a home. Muslims do not wear shoes at home, usually, they have different pairs of shoes inside the home. Adding a shoe rack is important to avoid a pile at the entrance.

9. Plush Area Rugs

Adding a plush rug in your bedroom, dining room or living room can be an excellent choice. You can add these rugs to your prayer area as well. They will provide you the comfort and peace for those who are praying.

10. Prefer Lower Sitting

Many Muslims prefer lower sitting in their home following the sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). This is simple as you arrange the mattress close to the perimeter of the room directly on the floor.

11. Display Your Heritage

Muslims are all over the world but their cultural heritage can differ between the Asian Muslims vs. the Middle Eastern, the African or the American Muslims. Each group has their own culture and traditions. 

Decorating your home in an Islamic way is to adorn it with cultural items to show your heritage.

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